HC Deb 03 April 1957 vol 568 cc378-9
16. Mr. G. R. Strauss

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation what progress he has made in launching the scheme for the compulsory inspection of motor vehicles.

21. Sir F. Medlicott

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation how soon he anticipates completing the arrangements for the compulsory inspection and testing. of motor vehicles.

Mr. Watkinson

I am glad to say that the associations representing firms engaged in the motor repair industry have assured me of their co-operation in principle. Discussions with representatives of the industry and of local authorities on the detailed proposals for the organisation of compulsory tests are proceeding satisfactorily. It is too early as yet to say when the arrangements will be completed and thus when compulsory tests will start.

Mr. Strauss

In view of the fact that the Bill was passed over nine months ago and that, judging by experience, the institution of compulsory testing might save a substantial number of lives, is not the Minister going rather slowly in the matter if he tells us that all that is happening is that discussions are proceeding and he can give no hope whatever that the scheme will come into operation within a reasonable period? Does he expect the scheme to start within a few months, or this year? What is he likely to do to expedite its initiation?

Mr. Watkinson

Perhaps the right lion. Gentleman did not catch exactly what I said. We have overcome one difficult problem in that the associations representing the motor repair firms have now agreed to the method of co-operation. I am not anxious to hurry this matter. What I am anxious to do is to get it right, and I shall take time to do that.

Mr. Strauss

We are all anxious to get it right, but surely it is equally desirable to hurry this matter. As was pointed out during the discussions, it may be that when the scheme is in full operation something like 500 lives a year might well be saved, judging by extensive experience of a similar scheme in America?

Mr. Watkinson

I will go forward as fast as I think is possible, bearing in mind that I want to get the right scheme.