HC Deb 01 April 1957 vol 568 cc6-7
22. Dr. Summerskill

asked the Minister of Health what action he has taken regarding the recommendation of the Medical Research Council that small amounts of irradiation from luminous watches, clocks and television apparatus should be reduced as far as possible.

Mr. Vosper

This is being considered by a panel of experts which has been set up by the Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee.

Dr. Summerskill

In view of the fact that the Medical Research Council reported in June, 1956, that the small quantities of radiation received from a television set should be reduced as far as possible, should the Minister wait any longer, bearing in mind that whole families every day sit, sometimes for hours, in front of a television set, such families including expectant mothers and small children, all receiving a minute dose? The Minister says he is now going to ask another Committee why does he not stand by the June, 1956, Report?

Mr. Vosper

Perhaps I had better read what the Committee had to say about television sets: At present radiation from this source does not constitute either a personal or a significant genetic hazard …So far as sets used by the general public are concerned, most of the radiation is normally absorbed in the apparatus itself and is insignificant at the normal viewing distances.

Dr. Summerskill

This is very important. It is a report dated June, 1956. The Minister is grossly deceiving the House. [Interruption. ] Certainly.

Mr. Speaker

The right hon. Lady should not suggest that another hon. Member is deceiving the House.

Hon. Members


Dr. Summerskill

If my language has offended, I certainly withdraw it. May I read what the Report says, in its conclusions on page 81, signed by the whole Committee: The small amounts of irradiation from miscellaneous sources such as X-ray machines used for shoe-fitting, luminous watches and clocks, and television apparatus, should be reduced as far as possible ". That is the advice, and the Minister is disregarding it.

Mr. Vosper

The right hon. Lady in her original supplementary question gave the impression that families sitting in front of television sets were incurring grave danger. That is in contradiction to what the Report says. But, nevertheless, a Committee was set up to investigate this and other apparatus.

Dr. Summerskill

I must correct the Minister. I did not use that expression. I am absolutely responsible in this matter. [Interruption.] Certainly, I am. I say that they are receiving minute doses every day, and that is supported by the whole Committee. It is wrong to allow these innocent and ignorant people to suffer.