HC Deb 29 November 1956 vol 561 cc574-5
49. Mr. Rankin

asked the Prime Minister when the joint organisation named "Amilcar", in which the United Kingdom was a participant, was set up.

Mr. R. A. Butler

I have been asked to reply.

Her Majesty's Government know of no organisation named "Amilcar".

Mr. Rankin

Is the Lord Privy Seal not aware that it has been widely said that this organisation was set up to fashion a predetermined attack on Egypt, and will he say categorically that the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary had no part in this organisation at any stage whatsoever?

Mr. Butler

I have ascertained that this name is referred to in the paper Time of 12th November as being an organisation of the type referred to by the hon. Member. That information is not correct. The word "Hamilcar" was last used as a code word in 1942–46, and, going back into history, the last time that I can find it used is in 247 B.C. For the purpose of scholarship, I would refer the hon. Member to the works of Polybius and of Cornelius Nepos.