HC Deb 28 November 1956 vol 561 cc386-8
47. Mr. Harold Davies

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation if he is aware of the number of accidents which take place at the crossing Cellar-head on the Stone to Leek trunk road in the Leek division; and whether he will now see that traffic signals are placed at this dangerous crossing.

Mr. Molson

The main cause of accidents at this intersection seems to be the disregard by motorists of the "Halt" signs. Additional steps have recently been taken to make this junction safer. In the conditions obtaining we are not satisfied that light signals would be appropriate here or would bring about a reduction of accidents.

Mr. Davies

Is the Minister aware that is is about time that some notice was taken of local opinion about road traffic points that are dangerous? Is not the reason that many drivers miss the "Halt" sign that it is not clear and obvious, and is not the real answer, as local opinion and users of the roads say, that traffic lights are necessary at this point to avoid further accident and death?

Mr. Molson

We do not agree that traffic lights are suitable in this case. The utmost care has been taken to deal with this matter. There were three accidents in May and June. As a result, there was a joint meeting between our divisional road engineer and the county surveyor, and they decided to extend the white line in the approaches to the A520 road and to mark "Slow" on both carriageways. Since then, there has been only one accident, which was due to a car swerving in order to avoid a pedestrian. Further improvements are in mind.

Mr. Davies

May I press the Minister on this matter? His constituency is contiguous to mine. I would welcome a visit from him to this point when he is next in his constituency, and if I cannot convince him that lights are needed, I will offer him the hospitality of the best hotel in Leek.

Mr. Molson

I shall have the greatest pleasure in accepting the hon. Gentleman's hospitality, either in the best hotel in Leek or in any other hotel.

48. Mr. Harold Davies

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation if he will have erected conspicuous danger signs on both sides of the village of Whetley Rocks on the Stone to Leek trunk road in the Leek division.

Mr. Molson

No, Sir. I understand that the Staffordshire County Council, which is the responsible highway authority, has recently erected "Double Bend" signs in this village, and these should be sufficient.

Mr. Davies

Is the Minister aware that here is the same kind of centralised answer, instead of which local opinion—that of people who live in the area—should be accepted, whatever Government is in power? I know this road well and so, I believe, does the Joint Parliamentary Secretary. Clear signs are necessary. Will the right hon. Gentleman reconsider his Answer, at least?

Mr. Molson

No, Sir. The purpose of traffic signs is the guidance of motorists and not the guidance of local inhabitants. For that reason my Department tries to have a uniform system of traffic signs all over the country as the best way of reducing traffic accidents.