HC Deb 28 November 1956 vol 561 cc392-3
30. Mr. du Cann

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation for how long it is proposed to suspend driving tests; if he is aware of the serious effect this decision has had on the business of driving schools; and if he will make a statement.

50. Mr. Hayman

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation whether he will reconsider his policy of suspending driving tests, in view of the loss of livelihood of many driving instructors and of the important part they play in contributing to an improvement of road safety.

Mr. Watkinson

The suspension of driving tests is an inevitable consequence of the decision to introduce petrol rationing. I cannot say how long the suspension will continue but I am most anxious to resume tests as soon as circumstances permit.

Mr. du Cann

While thanking my right hon. Friend for that Answer, may I ask him whether, in order to alleviate the hardship that may be caused to owners of driving schools and their staffs if the suspension continues for a long time, he will consider the introduction of other schemes, such as were introduced during the war, to enable these schools to continue in business for the time being?

Mr. Watkinson

Yes; as I have said in my Answer, I am most anxious to resume driving tests as soon as possible, and I am perfectly prepared to examine any proposal that will help towards that end.

Mr. Hayman

Will the Minister bear in mind that these driving instructors are vital to any improvement in road safety, and that if he allows this comparatively small corps of instructors to be entirely disbanded it may be very difficult to recruit them again? Will he reconsider his decision?

Mr. Watkinson

I quite agree with the hon. Gentleman, and if he will read carefully what I have just said in my supplementary answer, I think he will see that I have the matter in mind.

Commander Donaldson

Is my right hon. Friend aware that in some areas Service men coming out of the Services who were about to take up civilian employment which requires them to pass a driving test are being precluded from taking such tests? Would he be prepared to look into individual cases if they are sent to him?

Mr. Watkinson

No, I cannot breach the general rule that at the moment all driving tests are suspended. What I have said is that I am very anxious to find some way of starting them again as soon as possible, even on a limited basis.

Mr. V. Yates

Will the Minister bear in mind the serious situation that has developed in Birmingham, where 50 driving schools with waiting lists up to the end of January are likely to be put out of business, and where 250 of their drivers are suddenly facing the prospect of unemployment? Will he really do something to try to keep intact this organisation in Birmingham, in the interests of road safety?

Mr. Watkinson

I quite agree with the hon. Gentleman. I think that every hon. Member has similar cases in his constituency—I have in my constituency—and it is for that reason that I am so anxious to try to find a solution.