HC Deb 21 November 1956 vol 560 cc1731-3
34. Mr. Janner

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation whether work being carried out on road A1, at Tempsford, includes the provision of dual carriageways in conformity with the policy for this road.

Mr. Molson

The existing carriageway is being improved in preparation for the provision of a second carriageway to the east of the present road.

Mr. Janner

Does the Minister recall the statement he made some time ago with regard to the provision of dual carriageways here? Is it his intention to carry into effect the undertaking which he gave at that time?

Mr. Molson

I do not recall exactly what the undertaking is to which the hon. Member is referring. A short length of new road, known as the Tempsford Bridge diversion, will be constructed with a single 24-foot carriageway to take the south-bound traffic only. Ultimately the new road and bridge on that diversion will be widened to take a second carriageway, and the existing road and bridge will then be de-trunked; but that will not be for many years to come.

Viscount Hinchingbrooke

Why will my right hon. Friend persist in building single carriageways as narrow as 24 feet? If one is going to widen this great road to the North and provide for dual carriageway, each carriageway ought to be at least 30 feet wide.

Mr. Molson

We must make the best use of the money available at the present time. Sometimes it is possible to carry out a substantial improvement now and make provision for a widening of some kind in the future. In the general interest of making the best use of the money available for the country as a whole, we do frequently have to carry out improvements which are not as comprehensive as we hope they ultimately will be.

Mr. Strauss

As it appears extremely wasteful when building a new road not to build to an adequate size for the future, can we at least have an undertaking that where the carriageway is not of such adequate size there is always sufficient space left for making it larger at a later stage?

Mr. Molson

That is precisely what we have done in this case. We have acquired the land, and the road will be widened at a later date. But I have made it quite plain that the further widening will not take place for a great many years to come.

35. Mr. Janner

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation why road A1, between Wansford and Stibbington, is being widened to 30 feet; and whether the work being undertaken is to include the provision of dual carriageways in conformity with his policy for this road.

Mr. Watkinson

My intention is that eventually dual carriageways shall be provided on A1 between Wansford Bridge and Stibbington School in accordance with my general policy for this road. The provision of dual carriageways will, however, mean the construction of a new bridge over the River Nene, which cannot be fitted into the programme for some time and the present improvement is intended to give relief in the meantime.

Mr. Janner

Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that the words "eventually" or "some time" are very indefinite, and can he not give any idea at all as to when dual carriageways are likely to be provided in accordance with his undertaking?

Mr. Warkinson

What I realise is that they will be provided as soon as the bridge can be built, and I will fit the bridge into my programme as soon as I possibly can. Further than that, I cannot go.

Captain Pilkington

Can the Minister say that he prefers a policy of providing dual carriageways wherever practicable rather than widening existing roads?

Mr. Warkinson

I have clearly said that the policy for the Great North Road is to "dual" it from London to Newcastle.

Mr. Slater

In view of the great interest now being taken up and down the country in regard to highway development, will the Minister tell the House the ratio of money received into his Department from motor taxation and petrol taxation?

Mr. Watkinson

Perhaps the hon. Member would put that question down.