HC Deb 19 November 1956 vol 560 cc1354-5
2. Mr. Hastings

asked the Minister of Health why Her Majesty's Government were neither represented nor sent any message to the International Conference on Alcohol and Alcoholism, held this autumn at Istanbul on the invitation of the Turkish Government: and whether he is aware that this conference was attended by representatives of the French and many other Governments and of the United Nations World Health Organisation and International Labour Office, and that President Eisenhower, Mr. Nehru and the heads of other States sent messages of good will to it.

Mr. Turton

It is not the practice of Her Majesty's Government to be represented at congresses which are not primarily inter-governmental. I have no knowledge of the action taken by other Governments or of the messages that were sent.

Mr. Hastings

Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that convictions for drunkenness in this country last year show that they have been increasing especially rapidly in the case of young people? Cannot something be learnt from the experience of other countries in the solution of this admittedly difficult problem?

Mr. Turton

I entirely agree with the hon. Gentleman. The normal machinery for discussion between Governments on such matters is provided by the World Health Organisation, of which this country is a member.

Dr. Summerskill

How many dipsomaniacs are having institutional care?

Mr. Turton

If the right hon. Lady will put the question down, I shall be very glad to give her a reply.