HC Deb 15 November 1956 vol 560 cc1103-4
3. Mr. W. Griffiths

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations what plans have been made for land settlement under irrigation in Swaziland and for the extension of water-power in Basutoland.

Lord John Hope

In Swaziland several areas are under irrigation and energetic steps are being taken to improve land use, but it has not so far become necessary to make special plans for land settlement under irrigation. In northern Basutoland it has been suggested that certain rivers might be dammed to provide electricity for Basutoland, and electricity and water for the Orange Free State. These possibilities are being investigated. In southern Basutoland, two surveys of the Upper Orange River have been made with a view to using the river to produce electricity, but more information is needed before conclusions can be reached.

Mr. Griffiths

Can the Minister give an assurance that the Government will not be slow in giving the maximum possible financial assistance under the various Colonial Development and Welfare Acts?

Lord John Hope

Yes, Sir.