HC Deb 01 November 1956 vol 558 cc1592-4
14. Mr. Tilney

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations what schemes there are for the economic development of Bechuanaland.

Commander Noble

An account of the plans for economic development in the Bechuanaland Protectorate was given in Command Paper No. 9580 of October. 1955. Those plans have since been expanded. It is now further proposed to spend, before 1960, the sum of £132,000 on the development of agriculture, £263,000 on the reconstruction of all arterial roads and some important bridges, and £260,000 on improving veterinary services.

15. Mr. Tilney

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations what schemes there are for the organisation of local councils in Bechuanaland.

19. Mr. Benn

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations what constitutional changes are proposed in Bechuanaland; and to what extent these include elected district councils for the different tribes as a prelude to the establishment of an elected legislative council.

Commander Noble

After consultation with a committee of the African Advisory Council and with individual African Authorities, Advisory Councils are being established in the Bechuanaland Protectorate to assist the African Authorities and Subordinate African Authorities in the conduct of their duties. The African Authorities and Subordinate African Authorities will be ex officio Chairmen of these Councils.

Members of the Councils will be partly nominated by the African Authorities and Subordinate African Authorities, and partly elected by traditional kgotla procedure. The Councils will be concerned with all aspects of tribal administration, including tribal development plans, primary education, the conservation of natural resources, population movements, tribal liquor laws and similar matters of importance to the tribes.

As regards a Legislative Council, I would refer the hon. Member for Bristol, South-East (Mr. Benn) to my reply to this Question on 25th October.

Mr. Tilney

Is my hon. and gallant Friend aware that this decision will be very welcome in Bechuanaland?

Mr. Benn

Would the hon. and gallant Gentleman not give some indication to the House of when the transition from advisory to legislative functions is contemplated by the Government?

Commander Noble

No, Sir. I think I made that quite clear last week.

20. Mr. Benn

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations how he proposes to deal with the application for mineral concessions in Bechuanaland, in view of the need for these concessions to be granted by a member of the Khama family.

Commander Noble

In accordance with the Mines and Minerals Proclamation, 1932, any mineral concessions in the Bamangwato Reserve will be granted, in the absence of a Chief, by the African Authority of the Bamangwato Tribe. They will be subject to my noble Friend's approval. As I said in the debate on 1st August, if the tribe wish a member of the Khama family to be associated in any such concession, the Administration will consider how this can best be done.

Mr. Benn

Will the hon. and gallant Gentleman handle this matter very carefully, as it is possible that any inappropriate signature, so far as this tribe is concerned, on these mineral concessions would prejudice the future of the Protectorate?

Commander Noble

I can assure the hon. Gentleman that we will consider this most carefully and that we attach the greatest importance to it.