HC Deb 31 May 1956 vol 553 cc433-4
34. Mr. G. M. Thomson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what action was taken by the Thames river police concerning the motor vessel "Royal Princess" which went adrift from Cadogan Pier on the night of 25th May.

Mr. Deedes

The Thames River police kept the motor vessel "Royal Princess" under casual observation on the evening of 24th May. No further police action was necessary.

Mr. Thomson

Is the Minister aware that this was one of the incidents of hooliganism which are becoming increasingly characteristic of the silly young men and women of London society, and that if a working-class football supporters' club hired a steamer and behaved in that way they would find themselves in the cells?

Mr. Deedes

Without accepting the premise in the second part of the supplementary question, all I can say is that there were no incidents on that occasion which called for police action.

Mr. Thomson

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the incidents included the throwing of two Guards officers into the Thames, throwing chairs and bottles of champagne after them, and the use of fire hoses?