HC Deb 30 May 1956 vol 553 c213
8. Mr. Beswick

asked the Secretary of State for Air when he expects the first Vulcan and Victor bomber squadrons to be formed.

Mr. Birch

The Vulcan will enter R.A.F. service in the next week or so. I cannot yet give a firm date for the Victor.

Mr. Beswick

Can the right hon. Gentleman say how the date given and the date which he cannot give compare with the original estimate of when these machines would be in service?

Mr. Birch

All I can say is that since I took office things are more or less up to date. At the time of the Air Estimates we expected the Vulcan to get C.A. release this month, and it will get it.

Mr. Beswick

From the time of ordering to the time of being in service these machines are taking three or four years longer compared with Russian and American production. Is the Minister satisfied with that?

Mr. Birch

No one is ever satisfied with the number of aeroplanes and the time in which one gets them, but I think that the hon. Gentleman's figures are grossly exaggerated.

Air Commodore Harvey

Is my right hon. Friend aware that had these aeroplanes been ordered earlier than four years ago they might have been in the squadrons, and that the party opposite must take the blame for it?

Mr. de Freitas

Will the right hon. Gentleman look at the matter from the angle that some of the firms involved are far too small to have economic and efficient production?

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