HC Deb 16 May 1956 vol 552 c1983
28. Mr. Fenner Brockway

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation when it is intended to begin the construction of the Slough and Maidenhead bypass, draft schemes of which have now been published.

Mr. Molson

I cannot say at present when constructional work will begin on these schemes.

Mr. Brockway

Would the hon. Gentleman agree that, whilst the Slough safety experiment has been of very great value to the whole country, nevertheless the main lesson to be learned is that safety can only come if we have relief roads for these crowded high streets in towns?

Mr. Molson

We do attach importance to both these by-passes. Unfortunately, it is not possible, for financial reasons, to permit the beginning of both the Slough and the Maidenhead by-passes. Owing to the difficult traffic conditions in Maidenhead, we are giving precedence to the Maidenhead by-pass and, as has been publicly stated, the road programme provides for the commitment of this by-pass in the first three years of the programme