HC Deb 10 May 1956 vol 552 cc1544-6

Draft Parliamentary Constituencies (Blackpool and North Fylde) Order, 1956, [copy laid before the House, 14th March], approved.—[Mr. Deedes.]

Draft Parliamentary Constituencies (Bradford and Shipley) Order, 1956, [copy laid before the House, 14th March], approved.—[Mr. Deedes.]

Draft Parliamentary Constituencies (Colchester, Malden and Saffron Walden) Order, 1956, [copy laid before the House, 14th March], approved.—[Mr. Deedes.]

Draft Parliamentary Constituencies (Eccles and Farnworth) Order, 1956, [copy laid before the House, 14th March], approved.—[Mr. Deedes.]

Draft Parliamentary Constituencies (Kingston upon Hull and Bridlington) Order, 1956, [copy laid before the House, 14th March], approved.—[Mr. Deedes.]

Motion made, and Question proposed, That the Draft Parliamentary Constituencies (Nottingham) Order, 1956, a copy of which was laid before this House on 14th March, be approved.

10.28 p.m.

Mr. Kenneth Pickthorn (Carlton)

I think that what I have to say has the unanimous agreement of all those officially concerned and, as far as I know, the general agreement of those unofficially concerned. I do not wish to oppose this Order, and I quite understand that its purpose is solely to make adjustments to suit the City of Nottingham in consequence of the alterations recently made in the ward boundaries inside that City.

I think that everybody concerned in Nottingham City and County is prepared to agree that the moment is not appropriate for wider changes, although I think that some, if not most, of those locally concerned might possibly find something debatable in the Boundary Commission's phrase, "Nor is the need for this"—that is to say, wider change" yet apparent." I think that many of those in the city and county might think that that does beg an important question; but I do not now want to raise these questions.

All I want to do is to express my hope, a hope, I think, widely felt in Nottingham City and County, that before there is any decision about "wider changes", in the phrase of the Commission, or tending in any way to postpone wider changes for Nottinghamshire, which, in the nature of the case, means Nottingham City too because it is the relation between the city and county which is mainly concerned, Nottinghamshire may be entitled to hope for consideration of the submission that anything tending to lengthen the interval between adjustments will be preceded by removal of what was, and is, generally thought objectionable in the 1955 redistribution.

It would probably be out of order, but, whether in order or not, I am prepared to agree that it would not be proper now to raise any general case about the wider changes that may be desirable, but it is now proper to express a hope that nothing will be done to postpone further consideration of such wider change without first considering whether something ought not to be done to correct what is widely and, I believe, generally felt to be objectionable in the arrangement as it was made a year ago.

10.31 p.m.

Mr. Deedes

It is a fact that the Commission received joint representations from, I think, the local Conservative Associations making counter—proposals which were said to provide more fully than the Commission's recommendation for the anticipated growth of the City of Nottingham due to housing development. It was felt, however, that the counterproposals would involve rather more drastic shifts of the electorate than those of the Commission. They would, I think, have involved the transfer of seven wards instead of one.

In view of the intention of the Act, in Section 2 (3), that transfers should be limited in such cases to minor and consequential adjustments, leaving major changes for a general review, it was felt that the Commission's conclusions were justified. I am aware of my hon. Friend's desire that in any wider review in the future the point that he has made tonight should not be overlooked, and I think he has received a reasonable assurance that it will not be overlooked when the time comes.

Resolved, That the Draft Parliamentary Constituencies (Nottingham) Order, 1956, a copy of which was laid before this House on 14th March, be approved.