HC Deb 10 May 1956 vol 552 c1410
39. Mr. Crouch

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the effect so far on the change of grading in pigs since 1st April.

Mr. Amory

It is too early to judge, but it is encouraging to note that there has been a slight increase during the first three weeks in the proportion of pigs grading AAA.

Mr. Crouch

Is my right hon. Friend aware that some of the best pig breeders are telling me that, in spite of the reduction of 6d. a score, which came into operation on 1st April, the gross figure for a pig is £1 more than it was before that date? They are actually getting more money owing to the different method in grading to which they are entitled.

Mr. Amory

I like to see the very highest prices to producers and the very lowest prices to consumers.