HC Deb 02 May 1956 vol 552 cc390-2
53 and 54. Mr. Rankin

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) whether he is aware that the provisions of Northern Rhodesia (Native Reserves) (Amendment) Order in Council, 1955, have the effect of allowing a corporation controlled by the Federal Government to administer the Kafue Gorge Hydro-Electric Scheme; that this is not in accordance with the Order in Council which requires that the control should be in the hands of the Government of Northern Rhodesia; and whether it is proposed to alter any of the remaining safeguards to African lands established at the time of the formation of the Federation which kept with the Secretary of State the ultimate responsibility for the use of land alienated from the Northern Rhodesian Native Reserves and Trust Lands for public purposes;

(2) what Africans were consulted before the enactment of the Northern Rhodesia (Native Reserves) (Amendment) Order in Council, 1955; and whether they agreed to its provisions.

Mr. Hare

The amending Order in Council was designed to clear up a doubt regarding the scope of the power conferred by the Northern Rhodesia Native Reserves Order in Council, 1928, on the Governor to set aside land in native reserves for "public purposes." These purposes were defined in the Order as including the purposes of a corporation controlled by the Government of Northern Rhodesia.

The Federal Constitution lays down that for the purposes of the African land laws any reference to "public purposes" includes a reference to Federal public purposes. It was doubtful, however, whether the two provisions could be read together so as to make the phrase include the purposes of a corporation controlled by the Federal Government, such as the Federal Hydro-Electric Board. The native authorities in the Gwembe valley, who are particularly affected by the amendment, had already agreed that the land needed for the Kariba Hydro-electric Scheme could be set aside. Further consultation in the legal technicality was therefore not considered necessary.

There is no intention of altering any of the safeguards to African land established at the time of the formation of the Federation.

Mr. Rankin

Is the Minister aware that as a result of the execution of this desirable project 30,000 Africans in Northern Rhodesia and 10,000 Africans in Southern Rhodesia will be rendered homeless? What is he seeking to do to provide them with alternative accommodation?

Mr. Hare

If the hon. Member puts down a Question, I shall be delighted to give him plenty of details of what plans are in mind for settling those who have to move from the area affected by the scheme.

Mr. J. Griffiths

Will the hon. Gentleman publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT, Or indicate in reply to a Question, what steps are being taken to find alternative accommodation and work for the Africans displaced, a matter upon which my hon. Friends and I have given him information?

Mr. Hare

I think my right hon. Friend replied to those representations. If the right hon. Gentleman puts down a Question, I shall be only too pleased to give the information.

Mr. Rankin

In view of the fact that my supplementary question arose directly from the main Question, I must regard the answer as quite unsatisfactory and beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter on the Adjournment.