HC Deb 01 May 1956 vol 552 cc179-80
2. Mr. Langford-Holt

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government what garage accommodation is to be provided in the new office block now being built on the south side of Wigmore Street.

Mr. Powell

Provision will be made for parking 52 cars.

Mr. Langford-Holt

Is my hon. Friend aware that in London, in the most congested traffic area in this country, there are being built blocks of offices like this which either have no car parking accommodation or have only a lamentably small amount of such accommodation? Can my hon. Friend say what steps his Ministry is prepared to take to see that such accommodation is increased, or is my hon. Friend satisfied with the present level?

Mr. Powell

All these are factors which the local planning authority takes into account on each occasion when an application for permission goes before it, and it is not a matter in which my right hon. Friend can propertly interfere with the discretion of the local planning authority.

Mr. Beswick

Is the hon. Gentleman satisfied that local authorities are giving sufficient weight to what is becoming an increasingly urgent problem? There seems to be no point in building blocks of offices if the office workers cannot reach the buildings.

Mr. Powell

There is no doubt that the London County Council, which is the local planning authority concerned, has this matter very much in mind.

Mr. Mitchison

If there is this need for more garages, will the Minister cease refusing loan sanction for garages for council estates?

Mr. Powell

That does not arise on this Question.