HC Deb 22 March 1956 vol 550 c1462
37. Mr. E. Johnson

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the value and earnings of British films exported to, and the cost of films imported from, the United States and Europe, respectively, during 1955.

Mr. H. Brooke

I regret that no figures are available for the earnings of British films. Precise figures of remittances for films in 1955 are not yet available, but they are unlikely to be very different from the 1954 figures of £9 million to the United States—excluding profits and payments which cannot be remitted under the Anglo-American Film greement—and about £½ million to Europe.

Mr. Johnson

Is my right hon. Friend satisfied that the agreement is working well? Is there nothing he can do to assist the film industry so that more British films are used both at home and abroad, thereby improving the position of our balance of payments?

Mr. Brooke

Perhaps my hon. Friend would be good enough to put both those questions to the President of the Board of Trade.