HC Deb 12 March 1956 vol 550 cc26-7
45. Mr. G. Jeger

asked the hon. Member for Woolwich, West as chairman of the Kitchen Committee, the result of the Refreshment Department's trading for the year ended 31st December, 1955; and to what extent it was affected by the General Election.

Sir W. Steward

Our accountants calculate that last year's General Election cost the Refreshment Department over £6,000. [An HON. MEMBER: "What did it cost the country?] The final result for the year, however—before taking into account Treasury grant-in-aid—was a loss of £4,798.

Mr. Jeger

Can the hon. Member give figures separately in regard to the functions held at weekends? Can he also give the House an assurance that every one of these weekend functions is sponsored by an hon. Member of this House and attended by the sponsor?

Sir W. Steward

The amount of turnover received as a result of functions being held and sponsored by Members during weekends was £23,267 for the year. I can assure the hon. Member that every care is taken in this matter. A function is accepted only when it is arranged by an hon. Member of this House, and he is expected to attend—and he does attend. The bill is sent to him, and the money received from him.