HC Deb 07 March 1956 vol 549 c2082
5. Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what is the nature of the markings upon the buttons, to be worn by officers on the special duties list promoted from the lower deck, which will distinguish such officers from others.

Mr. Ward

Following representations from commanders-in-chief, it has been decided not to introduce distinctive buttons for Special Duties officers. There will, therefore, be no distinction in uniform between officers of the General List and the Special Duties List.

Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the announcement that he has made will be cordially welcomed by all those who object to snob distinctions imposed upon people who come up the hard way, with a view to distinguishing them from people who have come from Dartmouth? Is he further aware that he is to be congratulated on having overridden the original intention of some barnacled old brass hat?

Mr. Ward

This distinction was never intended to mark any difference in status, but only a difference in qualifications and training.

Mr. Callaghan

So far from congratulating the Parliamentary Secretary, may I ask him what on earth possessed the Board of Admiralty ever to introduce such a farcical distinction, which is unworthy of a great Service?

Hon. Members


Mr. G. R. Howard

Would my hon. Friend not agree that this is another example of the way in which a sensible decision can be reached as a result of discussions and representations made by those concerned who know what they are doing?