HC Deb 01 March 1956 vol 549 cc1358-9
38. Mr. Albu

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will reconsider the hire-purchase conditions for motor-assisted pedal cycles with engines of less than 100 cubic centimetres capacity and treat them at least as favourably as pedal cycles fitted with auxiliary units for propulsion.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade (Mr. Derek Walker-Smith)

The same hire-purchase conditions apply to both motor-assisted pedal cycles and pedal cycles fitted with auxiliary units for propulsion.

Mr. Albu

Is the hon. and learned Member quite certain that that is correct? I understand that a cycle can be purchased with a 20 per cent. down payment; an auxiliary unit requires a 50 per cent. down payment, while a motor-assisted bicycle also requires a 50 per cent. down payment. There is, therefore, a considerable difference, although there is no difference in principle between these two types of locomotion, which are of very great assistance to ordinary people going to work.

Mr. Walker-Smith

Yes, if the auxiliary unit is purchased with the bicycle or even separately with the purpose of going with it, it attracts the higher minimum deposit.