HC Deb 07 June 1956 vol 553 cc1273-4
42 and 43. Mr. Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what complaints were made to the police at Leman Street Police Station during the late evening and early morning of 11th and 12th May, concerning a robbery at Swedenborg Square, Stepney what losses were reported; and whether he will make a statement;

(2) if he is aware that at a party at a licensed club in Swedenborg Square, E.1, during the late evening and early morning of 11th and 12th May, those taking part smoked marijuana cigarettes; what action the police propose to take against those responsible for breaking the law; and whether he will make a statement.

Major Lloyd-George

The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis tells me that the police had been notified of the intention to hold the party at this address, which is not a registered club, that they visited the premises during the late evening and early morning, and also patrolled the vicinity. During the party a handbag and a raincoat were stolen. There was no public disturbance, and the police are satisfied that marijuana cigarettes were not smoked.

Mr. Lewis

Has the Minister's attention been drawn to the Press report that a large amount of jewellery was stolen and reported as lost? Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman further aware that the people in the East End, who work hard by day, wish to sleep at night so that they can be prepared to work the following day? Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that people did complain because this late night party kept lorry drivers awake? Will the Secretary of State consider the matter again?

Major Lloyd-George

There was one complaint about noise. That is the only one that has come to the notice of the police.