HC Deb 30 July 1956 vol 557 cc904-5
29. Mr. Beswick

asked the Minister of Supply if he is satisfied that all revelant reports made by aircraft company test pilots of prototype aircraft ordered by his Department are received and studied by his Department; and if, in view of public disquiet aroused by recent evidence on this point, he will cause an appropriate inquiry to be made.

Mr. Maudling

In Government contracts for prototype aircraft the aircraft companies have an obligation to provide the Department with copies of every test report, together with copies of any records obtained from recording instruments and reports of any preliminary tests. These are carefully scrutinised both at headquarters and at the experimental establishments. In view of this, I see no justification for holding a special inquiry.

Mr. Beswick

In view of the difficulties that have been experienced both with the Javelin aircraft and with other fighter machines, and in view of the quite definite allegations that are being made by Squadron-Leader Waterton, does not the Minister agree that he is being a little too complacent about this business? Ought he not to look into it more seriously?

Mr. Maudling

I do not think that it is for me to intervene in any discussions which may take place between Squadron-Leader Waterton and his previous employers. I have been concerned to give the House the facts in this matter, which seem to me not to warrant any special inquiry.

Mr. Beswick

Is it not a fact that in the case of the Javelin and the Hunter aircraft, machines were put into production when faults were still embodied in their design? I refer, for example, to the dive brakes which had to be put in after a number of Hunter aircraft had actually been built. In those circumstances, when the test pilots have submitted reports, does the Minister think that there is a proper liaison between his Department and the aircraft companies concerned? Ought he not to be taking a much closer look into the reports which are made in the course of development?

Mr. Maudling

I have looked into this matter very carefully and I am satisfied that full reports are submitted at all times by the aircraft companies. In particular, it has always been the practice of the Gloster Company to give us full reports of what its test pilots have to say.