§ 24. Mr. Callaghanasked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he will review the programme of the Atomic Energy Authority with a view to accelerating the contribution that it can make to Britain's fuel requirements.
§ 25. Mr. Warbeyasked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether, following the publication of the Second Report of the Atomic Energy Authority, he will now state what revisions have been made in the plan of nuclear power announced in February, 1955.
§ Mr. Aubrey JonesAs I indicated in the Second Reading debate on the Coal Industry Bill, the nuclear power programme set out in the White Paper of 898 February, 1955, is a minimum programme, and I attach the highest importance to expanding and accelerating that programme as much as we practically can. I have no doubt that we shall be able to achieve more than was first thought possible, but exactly how much more cannot be determined until, as I informed the hon. Member for Stockton-on-Tees (Mr. Chetwynd) on 4th June, the plans for the first stations, which are due to be submitted this autumn, have been examined and the appropriate conclusions drawn.
§ Mr. CallaghanDoes not the action of Egypt this week-end add point to the implications of my Question? Does the Minister not realise that there is a growing feeling that the atomic energy programme is moving along too slowly, and that even on the basis of present knowledge and of the present operations at Calder Hall, there is already a case for substantially speeding up what the Government propose to do?
§ Mr. JonesI fully accept that there is a case for speeding up the nuclear power programme, but it is not true that the programme is in any way being held up. Clearly it is premature to do anything until the plans of the first stations have been received and the costs and designs fully examined.
§ Mr. ChetwyndIs it not possible to authorise more than the three stations which are now projected, so that the preliminaries can be got out of the way before the designs are ready?
§ Mr. JonesNo. With all respect, I submit that that is an answer which I can properly give only when the designs have been examined.