HC Deb 23 July 1956 vol 557 cc15-6
19. Mr. Nabarro

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he will make a statement upon prospects for next winter's coal supplies with special reference to householders' needs.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

The present stock position is favourable, total distributed stocks being 18 million tons as against 14 million tons at this time last year. These high stocks, however, are largely the result of imports on a scale which we cannot afford to repeat. To reduce this dependence on imports and see us safely through the winter we need to increase home production and, in particular, to minimise losses through absenteeism and disputes. To ease the task of producers and distributors in coping with the uncertainties of winter, I would urge all householders who can to lay in stocks during the remainder of the summer, when they have the advantage of lower prices.

Mr. Nabarro

While congratulating my right hon. Friend upon the able administration which has produced this higher stock figure this year, may I ask him to consider the position of householders who are still doomed to a mere pittance of 34 cwt. of house coal per annum in the south of England and only 50 cwt. in the North of England? In view of the satisfactory stock position, why should not the householders have a little more coal this winter?

Hon. Members

They cannot afford it.

Mr. Jones

I do not consider that my answer lends itself to the complacency which my hon. Friend reads into it. My Answer, I hope, made it clear that the high stocks have been purchased at extremely heavy cost in the shape of foreign exchange. I cannot risk a repetition of such a high cost.