HC Deb 23 July 1956 vol 557 cc4-5
6 Mr. Jeger

asked the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance what changes he has made in the administrative arrangements of his Department for dealing with approaches by Members of Parliament on pensions cases brought to their notice; and what arrangements there are for liaison with the British Legion.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

No changes have been made or are contemplated. My hon. Friend and I are, and remain, at the disposal of hon. Members with respect to these cases. Our contacts with the British Legion similarly remain excellent, and from our point of view most helpful.

Mr. Jeger

Can the Minister explain why the British Legion has sent to hon. Members a long circular, highly impertinent in tone, attempting to interpose itself and its services between hon. Members and the right hon. Gentleman's Department?

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

It is not for me to answer questions as to circulars sent by the British Legion. Having seen the document which I think the hon. Member has in mind, however, it seems to me to be purely intended to be helpful and to enable the Legion, which has assisted many hon. Members, as I know from my own experience, to give assistance in the future.

Sir I. Fraser

Is my right hon. Friend aware that 120 Members of all parties have welcomed the circular?

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

I did not know the figure but it does not surprise me, because I know very well that the Legion does a great deal about this subject and can be extremely helpful in individual cases.