HC Deb 11 July 1956 vol 556 c375
4. Mr. Leavey

asked the Postmaster-General what steps he will take to protect radio reception from interference caused by television reception.

Dr. Hill

Where a T.V. set causes interference with sound receivers which are themselves in proper working order, the Post Office offers the owner of the T.V. set all possible advice to help him cure the trouble. The question of designing T.V. sets so as to avoid such interference is primarily a matter for the radio industry. They are alive to the problem and the Post Office is co-operating with them to the full.

Mr. Leavey

While noting what my right hon. Friend has said, may I ask him whether he does not feel that something further could be done to bring home to the owners of television sets their specific obligations not to annoy their neighbours who have radio sets—obligations which they accept with their licences?

Dr. Hill

My hon. Friend will appreciate that, under the Act of 1949, wireless apparatus is specifically excluded from my powers, but I assure him that we are receiving very real co-operation in this matter from the manufacturers and almost invariably from the owners of television sets.