HC Deb 11 July 1956 vol 556 cc373-4
19. Mr. J. Johnson

asked the Postmaster-General how many Post Office advisory committees exist in England and Wales, and which of these are in Warwickshire.

Dr. Hill

Fifty-seven, of which two, those in Birmingham and Coventry, are in Warwickshire. Another is to be set up in Rugby.

Mr. Johnson

Will the Minister admit that, even in good Departments like his, there can be misunderstanding, particularly where telephones are concerned? Hence, can I appeal to a good democrat and good publicist like the right hon. Gentleman to press on with these committees, particularly where some mysterious arbiter in a distant county town appears to be the sole arbiter as to who gets or does not get a telephone in the local borough?

Dr. Hill

I did announce on 21st June that I was proposing to invite and to encourage the establishment of Post Office advisory committees throughout the country, and I am glad to say that Rugby is one of the first areas to act following that announcement.

Mr. Ness Edwards

In constituting the new Post Office advisory committees—a step which is very much welcomed and approved on this side—would the right hon. Gentleman consider appointing people from the local authorities, who will be known to the people and who can disseminate the information throughout the local authority organisation?

Dr. Hill

In the lettter on this subject which I have sent to head postmasters, I have deliberately and emphatically mentioned the desirability of seeking representation from local authorities as representing the general body of opinion in the area.

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