HC Deb 05 July 1956 vol 555 c1541
60. Mr. S. N. Evans

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will require an additional guarantee in connection with the sale of Trinidad Oil Limited, namely, that oil from Trinidad and the Middle East, sold by the Texas Oil Company in this country, will be transported in British-built tankers trading under the British flag.

Sir E. Boyle

No, Sir.

Mr. Evans

Why not?

Sir E. Boyle

Because our general policy is and will remain one of strong opposition to flag discrimination.

Mr. Evans

Is not the Economic Secretary aware of the vast and increasing tonnages of oil which have been brought here, for sale in this country, in Greek ships which pay no taxes here and which are financed by New York financial institutions and the oil companies? How are we to pay dividends on the oil sold and to pay for all that we import from America if this underhand method of defeating British competition is resorted to?

Sir E. Boyle

We all recognise the hon. Member's patriotism, but I fear that he will not be successful in converting my right hon. Friend to a doctrine of economic nationalism, because that would not pay this country.

Mr. Paget

Surely this is the greatest possible nonsense—this ever-increasing number of ships sailing under "phoney" flags of, substantially, imaginary countries?

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