HC Deb 27 February 1956 vol 549 c813
14. Sir P. Roberts

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the value of frozen eggs in this country under the control of his Department; and what length of time have the oldest stocks been on hand.

Mr. H. Nicholls

It is not the practice to disclose the value or volume of the stocks of frozen egg. As regards the second part of the Question, a very small proportion of these stocks, amounting to less than 1 per cent. of the total, has been on hand since the end of 1951 and a further 2 per cent. since 1952.

Sir P. Roberts

Does not this seem a very long time for eggs to be in stock? Is not this one of the responsibilities which my right hon. Friend the Minister might well give up at the earliest opportunity?

Mr. Nicholls

Yes. We expect that quite soon we shall be giving up responsibility in this sphere. Three or four years is not a period likely to affect the stock adversely, and I repeat that about 97 per cent. of the eggs in stock date only from 1953 and onwards.

Mr. G. Brown

Will these frozen eggs now be sold at Woolwich?