HC Deb 20 February 1956 vol 549 cc5-7
14. Mr. Neal

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what pension rights attach to members of the National Coal Board; the amounts of benefit; and what age is fixed for retirement.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

Members of the National Coal Board are eligible for pensions on terms broadly similar to those of the staff pension scheme of the industry. There is no fixed age for retirement.

Mr. Neal

Why does the Minister equivocate about this? Can he not state the amounts paid in pensions? Can he say whether the same terms apply to the divisional boards as apply to the National Coal Board? Is he aware that although there is no retiring age in respect of the National Coal Board miners have been dismissed at 65 years of age?

Mr. Jones

I cannot indicate the amounts of pension because they vary according to the different lengths of service. So far as I am aware, the principles are the same both for the occupants of divisional board posts and occupants of posts on the National Board.

Mr. Osborne

Can my right hon. Friend confirm the statement which has just been made, that miners are being dismissed at 65 years of age? If so, how many? Are they coal-face workers?

Mr. Jones

I was not aware of that fact.

Mr. Neal

Would it interest the Minister to know that miners are being dismissed when they are over 65 years of age? Quite recently, in my constituency, a man of 66—a good, hard worker, who wanted to continue at work and who had four sons working at the same colliery—was dismissed.

Mr. Jones

I was not aware of that, but hon. Members opposite, a few moments ago, were unanimous in asking that I should not intervene unduly in the affairs of the National Coal Board. I should have to consider this matter most carefully before intervening in it.

16. Mr. A. Roberts

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he is satisfied with the progress made as a result of the implementation of the Fleck Report on matters which are the responsibility of his Department; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

The reconstitution of the National Coal Board on the lines suggested by the Fleck Committee has been completed, and the Government are considering the recommendations of both the Fleck and Herbert Committees about the salaries of Board members.

Mr. Roberts

Can the Minister tell us if there will be any possibility of debating these Reports in the House?

Mr. Jones

That question should be addressed to the Lord Privy Seal.