HC Deb 15 February 1956 vol 548 cc2348-9
25. Mr. K. Robinson

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how the representative of Her Majesty's Government at the United Nations voted on the proposal of Nationalist China that South Korea and Southern Vietnam should be admitted to membership of the United Nations.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

The United Kingdom Representative on the Security Council voted in favour of the Nationalist Chinese amendments to add South Korea and Vietnam to the list of eighteen countries recommended by the General Assembly for admission to the United Nations.

Mr. Robinson

Is not this a most extraordinary decision, particularly in the case of Southern Vietnam? Does not our support for the admission of part of Vietnam to the United Nations represent a complete abandonment of our pledge at Geneva to support the unification of that country? Does the decision mean that the British Government have abandoned all hope of unification?

Mr. Lloyd

Not at all, Sir; in neither case does it show that we have abandoned the idea of unification. We recognise the Governments of each of the territories. When an amendment was put forward, we supported it. As a matter of practical politics, we supported the list of eighteen which was originally put forward, and I think it would have been wiser if it had been left at that. However, another two having been brought up, we saw no reason why they should not also be admitted.