HC Deb 20 December 1956 vol 562 cc1438-9
16. Dr. King

asked the Minister of Education how many local education authorities do not co-opt on to the education committee two representatives of the teaching profession.

The Minister of Education (Sir David Eccles)

Every education committee of a local education authority must include persons of experience in education, and the great majority of authorities, in giving effect to this requirement, co-opt one or more serving or retired teachers.

Dr. King

The Minister has not given me the information for which I asked in the Question. May I ask if he is aware that, as most local education authorities do co-opt teacher representatives, they appreciate the practical value of the services which those representatives can render? Will he call to the attention of the minority group of local education authorities the fact that they are not doing what is provided for under successive Acts of Parliament?

Sir D. Eccles

I agree with the hon. Member, and I advise committees to do this. I cannot go further than that, but perhaps the Question and Answer today will bring this subject again to the notice of local committees.

17. Dr. King

asked the Minister of Education if he will circularise local education authorities recommending that when co-opting to education committees persons representing industry, one such co-optee should be a trade unionist.

Sir D. Eccles

Local education authorities have always been advised that their education committees should, according to local circumstances, include members with knowledge of industry, commerce and agriculture, but I leave them to decide how best to give effect to this advice.

Dr. King

Whilst thanking the Minister for that sympathetic Answer, might I ask him if he is aware that the trade union movement was keenly interested in education long before the Conservative Party was, and that the practice of many Conservative authorities in the country is almost to build a co-opted membership on education committees from one social class? In view of what the right hon. Gentleman has said, will he convey this sentiment to the education authorities concerned?

Sir D. Eccles

Of course I cannot agree with the first part of that supplementary question. The Conservative Party existed long before the trade union move—

Mr. Rankin

It was only interested in chimney sweeping then.

Sir D. Eccles

—and took a great interest in education. I am entirely in favour of the co-option of members who are going to be useful to the committees. I have no doubt that some trade unionists would be very useful to committees, but I believe the co-option should be on the basis of the person concerned being of use and not as a representative.

Major Beamish

Is "co-optee" King's English?

Hon. Members

Queen's English.

Mr. M. Stewart

In view of the remarkable statement made by the Minister, may I ask whether, if he has had any book tokens given to him for Christmas, he will use one to get Sidney and Beatrice Webb's "History of Trade Unionism"?

Sir D. Eccles

Yes, if the hon. Member will oblige with a token.