HC Deb 10 December 1956 vol 562 cc19-20
30. Mr. Teeling

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what percentage of the total annual import of petrol to this country is for the consumption of the United States forces; and what steps are being taken to make sure that this amount is not included in the United States new allocation for Europe.

35. Mr. Nabarro

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what arrangements he is making to ensure oil supplies of all kinds to United States forces in Great Britain; and whether members of those forces are rationed for oil and oil products.

41. Mr. Hamilton

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what consultations he has had with the United States forces now in Britain with a view to economising in the consumption by those forces of petrol and oil obtained from British sources.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

For security reasons, I am unable to give any figure for the proportion of our total supplies of petrol that are consumed annually by United States forces in the United Kingdom. Appropriate arrangements have been made to ensure their essential supplies to the United States forces, who are making significant savings in their consumption of all petroleum fuels. Members of these forces will be rationed in respect of petrol for their private cars like anyone else. As regards supplies to Europe, there is no question of any allocation by the United States.

Mr. Teeling

Does my right hon. Friend realise that many of us feel, in view of the fact that the United States has shown how unwilling it was to help us in our problems in the last few weeks,—[HON. MEMBERS: "Oh."]—he should reconsider the presence of these people in this country? Will he make sure that if it is to look after its own forces—which are here to protect the United States and not necessarily us—[HON. MEMBERS: "Oh."]—the United States will do all it can to pay for this itself?

Mr. Jones

In answer to that question, may I say that nobody could have been more co-operative in this respect than the commanders of the United States forces.

Mr. Nabarro

Whilst recognising that the United States might have been cooperative in economising with the consumption of petroleum products for its forces in this country, is it not propitious to ask whether we are buying large quantities of American oil for dollars, and why should we supply the United States of America and its forces' requirements in this country with petrol and petroleum products bought for dollars? Why can they not bring in their own and pay for it themselves?

Hon. Members


Mr. Jones

The United States forces pay to us dollars for the oil consumed in this country.

Mr. Callaghan

Does not the Minister agree that the venom and spleen shown by the question of the hon. Member is quite unworthy in view of the answer that has just been given? Is he aware that we on this side of the House entirely dissociate ourselves from the sentiments expressed in this question?