HC Deb 23 April 1956 vol 551 cc1450-1
46. Dr. Stross

asked the Minister of Health how many student mental nurses it is considered must be recruited in order to achieve proper care of the mentally sick; whether he has noted that the Nurses and Midwives Council have recommended that student mental nurses over the age of 21 years on recruitment are not to receive dependants' allowances or free meals, and that salary increases will suffer a deduction of one-third for board and lodging charges; and whether he will take action so that free meals and dependants' allowances shall be provided.

Miss Hornsby-Smith

The numbers of student mental nurses must clearly be built up substantially above the present low level, but the optimum number depends on so many incalculable factors that it cannot be estimated with any precision. The new pay agreement has been freely negotiated on the Whitley Council and my right hon. Friend proposes to accept it in its entirety. I understand that every student mental nurse will benefit under its terms.

Dr. Stross

It it not none the less a fact that if the number of student nurses is appreciably to be built up, this is a very poor way of going about it? Would it not be a better form of incentive if they were given the allowances they used to have before this apparent increase in salary?

Miss Hornsby-Smith

In every instance there is a gain to all grades, and to some a very substantial gain.

Dr. Summerskill

Will the Parliamentary Secretary ask her right hon. Friend to reconsider his decision? This is a most retrograde step. Today, it is of vital importance to introduce incentives so that these girls will work in mental homes. To reduce the incentive in this way will worsen the whole position.

Miss Hornsby-Smith

I can only assure the right hon. Lady that these provisions have been freely agreed by the nurses' representatives.

Dr. Summerskill

Not by the girls.

Miss Hornsby-Smith

By the nurses' representatives.