HC Deb 16 April 1956 vol 551 cc690-1

First Stage of Disarmament

  1. 1. On the signature of a Disarmament Treaty all participating states declare that they regard themselves as prohibited, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, from the use of nuclear weapons except in defence against aggression.
  2. 2. Meeting of the General Assembly of the International Disarmament Organisation to designate the non-permanent members of the Executive Committee and approve the appointment of the Director-General of the Control Organ.
  3. 3. Recruitment of the first elements of the Control Organ.
  4. 4. Freeze, consisting of
    1. (a) Initial declaration of the levels of armed forces and conventional armaments, including submission of military blueprints and relevant budgetary and accounting documents.
    2. (b) Undertaking not to increase beyond declared levels or to exceed total declared expenditure.
  5. 5. Simultaneously with the entry into force of the freeze, the Control Organ, in order to provide against surprise attack, starts to operate by means of aerial surveys, and by establishing control posts at ports, railway junctions, main highways and airports. In order to verify the information supplied, the Control Organ has the right to send out mobile control teams and financial inspectors.
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  7. 6. While the Control Organ is building up its efficiency, meeting of General Assembly of the International Disarmament Organisation to determine levels of armed forces and conventional armaments for other participating states, which should be considerably below the levels fixed for the five permanent members of the Security Council.
  8. 7. Report of the Control Organ that it is ready to supervise the initial steps in reducing armed forces and conventional armaments.
  9. 8. Report is accepted by Executive Committee.
  10. 9. Initial steps in agreed reductions by the five powers, and consequential reduction in military budgets.
  11. 10. Establishment of special branch of Control Organ which will supervise the limitation of nuclear test explosions.

Note: For procedure for passage from first to second stage, see Annexe.

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