HC Deb 31 October 1955 vol 545 cc646-8
11. Miss Burton

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware of the immdiate need for an adequate chest clinic in Coventry where the attendances have rlsen from 11,184 in 1949 to 19,351 last year; and if he is prepared to examine the possibility and desirability of providing on Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital land temporary alternative accommodation for the chest clinic having in mind particularly the savings in rent and rates which would result.

Mr. Iain Macleod

A new chest clinic is included in Item 2 of the rebuilding of the hospital, for which a tender has now been approved, and I do not think that expenditure on alternative temporary accommodation would be justified.

Miss Burton

Is the Minister aware that it is most injurious for people suffering with chest complaints to have to clamber up all these stairs in the present clinic? Is he further aware that we are not asking him to incur expenditure but to save it? This new phase two will not be completed for five years. If we put up a scheme to him on those lines will he consider it?

Mr. Macleod

Of course, I will always look at any scheme, but when a project has gone as far as this one, I think it is most important not to try to bridge the temporary gap on the sort of lines suggested in the hon. Lady's Question, because the temporary accommodation in these circumstances is far too apt to become permanent accommodation so that the major scheme is shelved.

Miss Burton

is the right hon. Gentleman aware that, with the present state of progress, the temporary accommodation is likely to become permanent? As he has talked already about keeping the green light on, will he give that signal to the Birmingham Hospital Board for a change?

Mr. Macleod

The green light has been on this project for a very long time, and, as I think the hon. Lady knows, I want to see it going quicker than it is.

12. Miss Burton

asked the Minister of Health on what date the tenders for Item No. 2 in the phase three rebuilding at Stoney Stanton Road Hospital in Coventry were received at the offices of the Birmingham Regional Hospital Board; and what action was then taken.

Mr. Iain Macleod

I understand that they were received by the board on 25th July. They were examined in the usual way and a recommendation for acceptance reached my Department on 8th August. This was approved on 20th October.

Miss Burton

Could the Minister tell us, about this Item No. 2, which is the kitchen, dining, and clerical service block, when we may expect the start of the work?

Mr. Macleod

The plans were finally approved on 20th October, and there is no reason why the work could not be started now, although I do not suppose it can have started. However, it can go straight ahead from now.

13. Miss Burton

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware of the anxiety in Coventry over the continued delay in making progress on Item No. 4 in the phase three rebuilding at Stoney Stanton Road Hospital; that the amended proposals for this item were accepted in principle some four months ago; and if he will make a statement upon the present position.

Mr. Iain Macleod

The amended proposals for this item were approved in principle on 14th July. Detailed examination was deferred pending the financial scrutiny of the whole project which was necessary at this stage, but comments on them have now been sent to the board.

Miss Burton

May we, then, hope that the comments will at least lead to some good result here, and would the right hon. Gentleman endorse the feeling there is in Coventry that first priority should be given to the new wards before we deal with the kitchens?

Mr. Macleod

Certainly the new wards are more important, and I should like to look at the problem again, and, in view of the supplementary question the hon. Lady has put to me, I will myself look at the situation.