HC Deb 10 November 1955 vol 545 c1994
30. Mr. Hyde

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will exempt amateur operatic and dramatic societies in Northern Ireland from the payment of Purchase Tax and Customs duties in respect of the temporary importation of theatrical costumes and other stage properties from the Irish Republic.

Mr. H. Brooke

The exemption suggested by my hon. Friend would unfairly discriminate against the theatrical costumiers in the United Kingdom, who have to pay Purchase Tax and, where appropriate, Customs duty on the costumes and properties which they let out on hire.

Mr. Hyde

Would my right hon. Friend accept an assurance from me that these properties and costumes are imported not to portray stage Irishmen but for the advancement of culture and dramatic art in Northern Ireland?

Mr. Brooke

I feel sure that that is so, and we want to help in every way we can in advancing the culture of Northern Ireland, but were my hon. Friend's suggestion to be adopted, it would really create an anomaly.

Mr. Hyde

Can the Financial Secretary not accept something in the nature of a bond or guarantee for the return of the properties after use?

Mr. Brooke

I will naturally examine any proposal which my hon. Friend makes, but I do not think that it will be possible to work it.

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