HC Deb 01 November 1955 vol 545 cc826-7
18 and 19. Mr. McInnes

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) since the proposed new town at Cumbernauld is in the Development Area, how far arrangements are being made for the Scottish Industrial Estates Company to build factories concurrent with the building of houses by the development corporation;

(2) what proposals he has for the setting up of new industries at the proposed new town of Cumbernauld and also for the transference of existing industries from Glasgow to the new town.

Mr. J. N. Browne

The question of industrial development at Cumbernauld cannot be considered until my right hon. Friend reaches a final decision on the draft Designation Order for the proposed new town. This Order was the subject of a public local inquiry on 10th October, and my right hon. Friend hopes to be able to announce his decision soon.

I am sending the hon. Member a copy of the memorandum which was published along with the draft Order and which deals, in paragraph 22, with the industrial prospects of the proposed new town.

Mr. McInnes

I take it that the hon. Gentleman is aware how essential it is that industries should be established current with the building of houses in the new towns?

Mr. Browne

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Woodburn

Will the hon. Gentleman and his right hon. Friend take into account the great concern in Scotland that there has been almost a cessation of "prior factory building" before occupation? In London, where during the period of office of the Labour Government there was a prohibition on industrial expansion under the town and country planning provisions, we find the position now reversed. Is the hon. Gentleman aware that we see industrial planning and development going on in London, which is already over-populated, and a cessation of such development in Scotland, and that we are concerned about this trend?

Mr. Browne

The answer, and it is a very important point, is that Cumbernauld is in the Development Area, and it would be possible for the Board of Trade, under the Distribution of Industry Act, to arrange for the Scottish Industrial Estates Company to build factories for approved industrial projects. The Board's New Town Development Corporation, as and when set up, will, it is hoped, assist in securing the transfer of industry from Glasgow. The point about this question is that such action must await the approval of the plan for the development of the new town.