HC Deb 03 May 1955 vol 540 cc1491-2
16. Mr. Albu

asked the Minister of Labour the numbers of unemployed workers in the furniture industry at the latest convenient dates in the United Kingdom and in the Tottenham-Edmonton area, respectively.

Mr. Watkinson

At 14th March, the latest date for which figures for the United Kingdom are available, there were 2,111 persons, whose last employment was in the furniture and upholstery industry, registered as wholly unemployed, and 3,113 registered as temporarily stopped, at the employment exchanges. On 18th April, the corresponding figures for the area covered by the Tottenham, Wood Green and Leyton Employment Exchanges were 127 wholly unemployed and 447 temporarily stopped.

Mr. Albu

Is the Minister aware that the figures of unemployment in the furniture industry are rising? Is he now discussing with his right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade some relaxation of the hire-purchase control Regulations, in accordance with the request made by both sides of the furniture industry?

Mr. Watkinson

The position is that employment in the furniture industry is better than it was at this time last year. I quite agree that the temporarily-stopped position is worse, although not very much worse. We must wait and see how the position develops over the next few weeks.

Mr. Robens

Does the Parliamentary Secretary attribute the rise in unemployment in the furniture industry to the recent restrictions imposed on hire purchase?

Mr. Watkinson

It is very difficult to say. Temporary unemployment is not unusual at this time of the year in the furniture industry.

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