HC Deb 31 March 1955 vol 539 cc549-50
60. Mrs. Jeger

asked the Minister of Education how the award of grants for training prospective art teachers who have completed a three-year course compares with awards made to graduates training to teach other subjects.

Sir D. Eccles

The grant for students taking an art teacher's certificate or diploma course covers free tuition, board and lodging during term time. The maximum grant for graduates at university departments of education includes also a personal and vacation allowance. Both types of grant are liable to reduction according to the income of the student's parents.

Mrs. Jeger

Is the Minister aware that at the Institute of Education of London University there is a difference of about £90 a year in the maximum grant awarded to art students training to be teachers and other graduates training to be teachers, and in view of the expense to which many art students are put as regards materials and so on, and the fact that the cost of living is the same for both types of graduate, does he think that this is a fair and proper difference to perpetuate?

Sir D. Eccles

The Question of the hon. Lady brought this anomaly to my notice, and I am looking into it.