HC Deb 29 March 1955 vol 539 c235

5.2 p.m.

Message to attend the Lords Commissioners.

The House went:—and, having returned;

Mr. SPEAKER reported the Royal Assent to—

  1. 1. Consolidated Fund Act, 1955.
  2. 2. New Towns Act, 1955.
  3. 3. Cocos Islands Act, 1955.
  4. 4. Colonial Development and Welfare Act, 1955.
  5. 5. Fisheries Act, 1955.
  6. 6. Northern Ireland Act, 1955.
  7. 7. Public Works Loans Act, 1955.
  8. 8. Transport (Borrowing Powers) Act, 1955.
  9. 9. National Service Act, 1955.
  10. 10. Trustee Savings Banks (Pensions) Act, 1955.
  11. 11. Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act, 1955.
  12. 12. Imperial War Museum Act, 1955.
  13. 13. Chatham Intra Charity of Richard Watts and other Charities Scheme Confirmation Act, 1955.
  14. 14. University of Hull Act, 1955,
and to the following Measure passed under the provisions of the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919:

Inspection of Churches Measure, 1955.