HC Deb 28 March 1955 vol 539 cc1-2
1. Mr. Crouch

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will make a further statement on the weekly amount and variety of food by weight per capita in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency camps for Palestine refugees.

The Joint Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. R. H. Turton)

I am grateful to my hon. Friend for giving me the opportunity to correct the information which was given in reply to his previous Question on 2nd March. As the answer is equally long, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Crouch

Does my hon. Friend consider that this ration is sufficient to keep the people in the camps keen and energetic and desirous to work? Is this the ration that has been given to 900,000 people during the six years that they have been in those camps?

Mr. Turton

The correction shows that these refugees are still getting a ration of 10,817 calories, which is slightly more than that stated in the previous answer. The correction shows that the build-up is very different, because the refugees are eating much more flour than was stated previously to the House and much smaller quantities of pulse and oil.

Mr. Hastings

Are these refugees getting sufficient fresh food and animal food, that is to say, proteins, to keep them in good health?

Mr. Turton

If the hon. Gentleman studies the answer he will see the amount of protein they are getting in the ration. The answer will be published in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Commander Donaldson

Did my hon. Friend really mean 10,000 calories a day? It seems to be a large consumption for a day.

Mr. Turton

I said 10,000 calories. I did not specify in what period.

Following is the answer:

The weekly quantities per refugee in summer are:

and in winter each receives also

Children under one year, who do not receive the basic ration, are given 1,200 grammes of whole milk daily. Supplementary foods in varying quantities are given to children between six months and two years; to pregnant and nursing women; and to others according to medical advice.