HC Deb 22 March 1955 vol 538 c1849
6. Mrs. Mann

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what progress has been made in the provision for beds for tubercular patients in Scotland; and how many were awaiting beds in 1952, 1953, 1954, and at the latest date.

Commander Galbraith

The number of staffed beds available for the treatment of respiratory tuberculosis in Scotland has increased from 5,335 at the end of 1950 to 6,098 at the end of 1954. The number of patients awaiting admission has dropped from 2,303 in December, 1950, to 486 in January, 1955. I will circulate details in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mrs. Mann

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that these figures must give very great satisfaction to everyone, but, at the same time, can he say whether they indicate any change in his policy in regard to the provision of beds or their situation?

Commander Galbraith

I shall be answering a Question later concerning the general situation with regard to tuberculosis. Perhaps my reply to the hon. Lady's supplementary question could wait until then.

Mr. G. M. Thomson

Is the Minister satisfied with the arrangement made between the different regions for taking patients from another region if surplus beds happen to be available in any region?

Commander Galbraith

I understand that arrangements have been made for co-operation in that matter.

Following are the details:

Date Staffed beds available Waiting list
December, 1950 5,335 2,303
December, 1951 5,636 1,700
December, 1952 5,773 1,711
December, 1953 5,974 1,794
December, 1954* 6,098 515
* Latest available figure for beds. Waiting list at end of January, 1955, was 486.