HC Deb 22 March 1955 vol 538 c1864
7. Mr. G. M. Thomson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland which educational bodies he is consulting in connection with the proposed leaving certificate for 16-year-old pupils.

Mr. Henderson Stewart

My right hon. Friend is consulting the Educational Institute of Scotland, the Association of Headmasters of Senior Secondary Schools, the Association of Headmistresses (Scottish Branch), the Association of Directors of Education, the Association of County Councils, and the Association of Councils of Counties of Cities. The Scottish Universities Entrance Board will also be consulted.

Mr. Thomson

Will the Minister bear in mind the importance of getting a special leaving certificate adapted to the needs of those who are likely to leave school at the age of 16; and will he also say whether he is treating this matter as one of urgency, in view of the great contribution that it would make towards reducing the wastage in our schools?

Mr. Stewart

We share the hon. Member's view about the contribution which this step could make, and we are doing it as quickly as we can, but we must consult other people.