HC Deb 22 March 1955 vol 538 c1856
31. Mr. Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what increased sums are to be made available to north Ayrshire for hospital building; and whether any project has yet been approved for accommodating the chronic aged sick.

Commander Galbraith

The tentative programme of major works to be undertaken by the Western Regional Hospital Board as a result of the recently announced increase in capital allocations does not include any project in north Ayrshire. I understand that no proposal to build new accommodation for chronic aged sick in the area is at present under consideration.

Mr. Ross

Surely the Joint Under-Secretary of State realises that the problem exists. We have had many speeches from Government benches expressing general sympathy in relation to this need; will not the Government do something about it?

Commander Galbraith

I quite agree with the hon. Gentleman that there is great need for these matters to be considered continually, and for measures to be taken, but he will realise that there are other means than providing accommodation for the chronic sick. It is better for them to be cared for in their own homes as much as possible.

Mr. Ross

It is all very well to care for them in their own homes, provided that the local authority is going on with the home-help scheme. In many areas this scheme is being cut down.