HC Deb 08 March 1955 vol 538 c130
22. Mr. Remnant

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government how many local authorities in England have declined to make any improvement grants.

Mr. Sandys

Up to the end of last year 927 local authorities in England and Wales had made improvement grants. It does not follow that the others have decided against making grants.

Mr. Remnant

I thank my right hon. Friend for answering a Question which I did not put to him. Will he consult the 927 local authorities to which he has referred as to what difficulties they are experiencing in making these improvement grants, and ask them in what way they consider that he can help them?

Mr. Sandys

I am making inquiries into this problem, and I have sought the views of representative local authorities upon it. I have also taken a number of other steps in order to try to encourage local authorities to take full advantage of the powers given to them under the Act.

Mr. Hargreaves

Is the Minister aware that his predecessor gave a promise to make a periodical report to the House of the progress made among local authorities in their extension of the use of the Act of 1949 in relation to improvement grants?

Mr. Sandys

I believe there is another Question to which that supplementary question is more relevant.