HC Deb 07 March 1955 vol 538 cc3-5
4. Mr. Collins

asked the Minister of Health the number of farms, formerly run by hospitals, which have been sold or leased within the last two years; what is the total acreage involved; and what proportion of the total is represented by farms formerly run by mental hospitals and mental deficiency institutions.

Mr. Iain Macleod

Three hospital farms, having a total area of 209 acres, have been sold since 1st February, 1953, one of which with 83 acres was at a mental hospital. No information is available about the number of farms leased.

Mr. Collins

In considering the matter further and developing his policy on the subject, will the Minister have special regard to the position of mental hospitals, not merely because of the occupational therapy involved, which can be overstated, but because of the permanent need in most cases to keep a sort of green belt around mental hospitals?

Mr. Macleod

I will certainly consider the suggestion. The main decisions following on the circular of last year have not yet been taken. The information from the various regions concerned has now been received by my Department.

Mr. G. Williams

Is costing carried out on the farms, and has not my right hon. Friend found that in the past the cost of production has been exorbitant? Will he try to get rid of all farms kept by hospitals and mental homes?

Mr. Macleod

The costing has not been adequate in previous years, but a different system has now been introduced and I hope that it will take care of the matter. It is true that in many cases there has been a substantial loss to the Health Service under this heading. It was with that in mind that I sent out the circular of a year ago, but I have no intention, of course, of closing down all farms and gardens.

Mr. Collins

Will the Minister make it clear that, although there have been some losses, there are many hospital farms which have been very efficiently run and that a great deal of good voluntary service has been put into them?

Mr. Macleod

That is true, but it is not the whole point. Apart from anything else, I am not authorised by the National Health Service Acts to farm. That is one of the main difficulties. I can farm only if the work definitely has therapeutic value for the patients.