HC Deb 03 March 1955 vol 537 cc2220-1
11. Mr. Peter Freeman

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, in view of the number of deaths and accidents which have been caused and the cruel nature of the performances and training, he will introduce legislation to prohibit the exhibition of wild animals and turns in which they appear.

Major Lloyd-George

No, Sir. I have seen Press reports of a recent fatal accident, but I am not aware that the number of fatal or other accidents is large.

Mr. Freeman

Is it not a fact that only last week one man was mauled to death by four lions, and in another case a man only just escaped with his life? Are not exhibitions of this description far more dangerous for children to see than any horror comics? Will he not take some action to prohibit these undesirable and sadistic exhibitions?

Major Lloyd-George

I do not know that I would agree about a lion looking like a horror comic. I think that it is a very beautiful sight, which many children are happy to look upon. If that were not so, there would not be so many toys made in that form. While I have not complete records, so far as I have been able to ascertain there have been only two fatal accidents in the last 25 years, and very few minor ones.

Sir T. Moore

Would not the case be met by prohibiting imports of all wild animals except those required by approved zoological societies?