HC Deb 03 March 1955 vol 537 cc2216-7
34. Mr. Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what action he now proposes to take, in view of the additional evidence supplied to him, concerning the actions of the police on 25th January in and around the central London area, whereby, in many instances, they exceeded their legal rights in dealing with peaceful citizens.

Major Lloyd-George

I am making inquiries into the complaints put forward in a letter which the hon. Member has brought to my notice, and I will communicate with him as soon as those inquiries have been completed.

Mr. Lewis

Will the Minister try to make investigations into the action of the mounted police in charging ordinary members of the public who were standing in Leicester Square tube station as onlookers? Why should they charge them into the underground station at Leicester Square?

Major Lloyd-George

I cannot accept what the hon. Gentleman says about charges by mounted police. That is what the hon. Gentleman says here. I am having inquiries made into the matter.

Mr. Hamilton

Is it not a fact that several of these peace-loving citizens have been fined heavily in the police courts for attempting to kick police horses in the belly?

Major Lloyd-George

If they were, I am glad to hear it.

Mr. Lewis

On a point of order. My question refers to peaceful citizens. My hon. Friend from one of the Scottish divisions has said that these peaceful citizens——

Mr. Speaker

That is not a point of order. Major Anstruther-Gray.

Mr. Lewis

Excuse me, Mr. Speaker. It is a point of order.

Mr. Speaker

An hon. Member cannot secure audience of the House by saying "On a point of order" about something which is not a point of order. If the hon. Member has a dispute with his hon. Friend he had better settle it with him.

Mr. Lewis

I am raising with you a point of order, Mr. Speaker. When you have heard it you may then be able to decide whether it is a point of order or not. I was going to raise with you the point that in my Question I referred to "peaceful citizens" who were some of my constituents, and who were not fined, as my hon. Friend suggested in his supplementary question. Is it, therefore, right for my hon. Friend to insinuate that my constituents were fined in court?

Mr. Speaker

There is no point of order. All matters of difference between Members of Parliament and in this House are not points of order.