HC Deb 29 June 1955 vol 543 cc399-400
52. Mr. John Hall

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what answer he has given to the request of the National Liberation Movement and the Ashanti Youth Association for the appointment of a commission of inquiry into the political situation in Ashanti.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

These requests were sent to me direct instead of through the Governor as they should have been. In accordance with normal practice as laid down by regulations they were referred to the Acting Governor, who has drawn the attention of the signatories to the proper channels of communication. If they are re-submitted in the proper way, I will consider them in the light of the Acting Governor's recommendations.

Mr. Hall

My right hon. Friend will be aware of the growing unrest throughout this Territory, and also of the acts of violence between the supporters of the Government and the National Liberation Movement and others. Would he, therefore, do his best to place his good offices at the disposal of the parties concerned so as to try to bring to an end this unfortunate dispute?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

The question relates to a request made to me, and I have said that I will give full consideration to that request if it is put forward again in the proper way. I know that the whole House would agree about the necessity for observing the regulations in this matter. I must, of course, join with all those who note with regret the increasing tendency to resort to violence on the Gold Coast. I am deeply anxious, as I know are all hon. Members, that those difficulties should be resolved by a sensible approach in the Gold Coast itself, to which we are always ready to lend all the help we can.

Mr. Fenner Brockway

If it be the case that the Gold Coast Government have made an appeal to their supporters to refrain from any acts of violence in connection with this incident may I ask the Minister whether he will give his utmost support to that appeal?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

I very much hope that the appeal will be listened to by those to whom it has been addressed.

Mr. Tilney

Would my right hon. Friend consider whether the difficulties about the Ashanti would ever have occurred had the Constitution been a bicameral one, and would he consider that when other constitutions elsewhere come before him?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

I think it would be unwise at this stage to enter into discussions about all the considerations which are very much in the minds of those responsible on this spot.